Announcing The Human Family Foundation

A philanthropic social network connecting people to achieve the Global Goals

Hello, my name is Dylan Raines, and I’m working to create a nonprofit social network called The Human Family Foundation.

I believe the root cause for much of the immense suffering we see in our world today stems from division within the human family. It is for that reason I also believe having shared goals can be the essential foundation we need for moving forward towards creating a better world for us all.

In 2015, world leaders from all Member States of the United Nations adopted 17 Global Goals for creating a more peaceful, prosperous world for all people and life on the planet. The goals include No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Clean Water and Sanitation and more. Each goal has their own set of targets that people and organizations around the world are working to meet.

When humanity comes together in a spirit of collaboration, that which is seemingly impossible becomes achievable. I believe we can end extreme poverty once and for all, increase peace and security and live in harmony with our environment in a way which can empower life to thrive. That is why The Human Family Foundation exists, and here’s how our platform will work:

We partner with verified humanitarian and environmental causes around the world working within any of the 17 Global Goals.
When you sign up to create your profile you will be asked which Global Goal is most important to you. Your choice influences the percentage of funds that will go to causes working within your selected Global Goal.
100% Model
100% of all Member Contributions go directly to causes working to achieve the Global Goals.